Monday, January 13, 2014

Helsingen Miekkailijat

Tonight I had my first fencing lesson....ever.  I wanted to try a new activity and meet Finnish people so when I found the Helsinki Fencing Club, it was a perfect fit.  They offer an adult beginner's course.  They were definitely surprised when I showed up tonight. One of the instructors asked if I spoke Finnish; I said no.  He smiled and said, "We will teach you in both!"

If you've never fenced before, it is great exercise!  It requires a lot of balance and mental focus, which are things I really enjoy in physical activity.  Seriously, I do!  That is probably why I liked riding and yoga; you can't check out mentally if you want to do them well.

We began with basic foot movements and positioning. The basic stance is a lot like Warrior 2 in yoga.  Then we learned how to advance, step back, and my favorite, attack! We worked on those for a while and then, they dressed us!

Women begin with a plastic bra thingy.  I put it on and immediately decided that I never wanted to take it off.  My and a Finnish woman my age may have been acting like 12 year olds about it, but only for a minute and it made the instructor laugh.  Here is a picture of one. I'm sure you can see the appeal.
After that, is a white jacket and then another pad over the front of your chest and a big wire mesh head mask. We all had fun getting dressed and pretending we already had foils in our hand. We practiced our footwork for a bit to get comfortable in the clothes and then we actually got foils!  We practiced some pretty basic moves and then got to practice a simple attack. My partner was from Peru and we had fun sparring and speaking Spanish. The instructor told me I "have very good control over the weapon for a beginner."

The hour and a half went by very quickly and I am looking forward to my lesson next Monday.  I definitely connected with several people in the class and I know it will be a fun group to learn with.  Everyone was so friendly and patient with me in terms of language.  I think this will be a good way to learn and practice Finnish and make some new friends.

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